Pretender to the Crown

Self serving egoist, would be king
You are my hierophant reversed
Mentor and manipulator
You love me only in so far as you control me
Wielding facsimile enlightenment
Peddling holy profundity ad nauseum
Freedom is your fear
You wear it vividly in every grasping attempted sabotage
In ever condescension
Tumbling from your painted lips in frenetic assaults on my choices
Increasingly excluding you
Because, you are not and never were my friend
And, perhaps, there is some part of you that knows
I know
Don't worry though, dear leader
I shall be your crucible


People experience in different ways
I, am no different
In that
My experience, is different from yours
I will not perform my experience
Appease your expectations
I will not
Perform for you
The ritual of superficial fealty in the court of public opinion
You hashtag for justice
Selfie for attention
Petition the gods of social media for recognition
That can be defined in advertising dollars
That is not how i experience the world
I will not lie for you


You boast of God
Of your godliness and goodliness
Award winning humility, a performance
It is not faith that has raised you up
Nor whispered superiority in your ear
It is not the God of redemption, or love
Rather the god of hellfire and fear
Yours is the god of competitive virtue
Preaching faith that is not faith, but hate
For all your rantings and rosaries
You are humanity in effigy
A wickerman whose bones are made of straw


You decadents you’re damned
Resplendent on your pyres
Empires of destruction
Gilded by your forfeit lives
Mortgaged to build them higher
Cavalcade of unknowing dead
Each day closer to anonymous ash
Your dust for all your wealth no different than mine
Your worms will dine no finer
Locust civilization
Consume until you crumble


The way the leaves scrape
An unsung chorale of the pavement
They the solitary scribes of strangers thoughts
Collectors of the things that none were meant to hear
Whispered indiscretions
Rage that never bore the weight of sound
Love, unfulfilled
A cacophony of emotions damned to nonexistence
Faithfully recorded by the remnants of summer
Alternative realities of self made heroes
The demons of our darkest hours
Living together in the confidence of silence
Empty words as rain that fell too late
Cushioned from the pavement by foliage, fragile
Desiccated skin as witness to dreams unspoken
An ephemeral opus to lives we are not living


Greetings from the edge of perception

These the last words of a sense memory ghost


Hallowed halls of a mind that is mine but not home

Nowhere is safe here, nothing is real

Behind a mask of fraudulent confidence

I died in plain sight

Positional asphyxiation by each constructed emotional response


Intentional in its crippling

Specific design to keep free will at bay

A thousand thousand routines

Anchors to this watered down, existence

Constriction I never wanted

Daily, academy worthy performances  ”A contrived life”

Shows ran continuously through death

In the immediacy of my last neuron firing life reflected art

The final frame to be called “Mindless stagnation through social conformity”

Corporate sponsorship by great expectations

That I had never woken from my dreamscape

To have continued as alpha and omega for all my creation

Contentment, building castles in the sky

Mind condemned to triviality watch me fade out of existence