Pretender to the Crown

Self serving egoist, would be king
You are my hierophant reversed
Mentor and manipulator
You love me only in so far as you control me
Wielding facsimile enlightenment
Peddling holy profundity ad nauseum
Freedom is your fear
You wear it vividly in every grasping attempted sabotage
In ever condescension
Tumbling from your painted lips in frenetic assaults on my choices
Increasingly excluding you
Because, you are not and never were my friend
And, perhaps, there is some part of you that knows
I know
Don't worry though, dear leader
I shall be your crucible


He wore her wild like the crown of a fallen kingdom

Celebrating the mythos of her savagery, in the context of his taming it

He never loved her, could never love her, anymore than one loves the carcass of a withered rose

But feral things don’t survive in cages, any more than fire survives under glass

That’s where he went wrong, see, he could no more possess her than he could the trade winds

No more tame her than even the most skilled seaman tame the waves

She didn’t kill him, no

His pride was his downfall

Her hands just guided the blade


People experience in different ways
I, am no different
In that
My experience, is different from yours
I will not perform my experience
Appease your expectations
I will not
Perform for you
The ritual of superficial fealty in the court of public opinion
You hashtag for justice
Selfie for attention
Petition the gods of social media for recognition
That can be defined in advertising dollars
That is not how i experience the world
I will not lie for you


Panic sets
The terror of expectations that cannot be met
Mission unreasonable
Palpable the suffocation of structure
40 hours per week and then some
Indentured servitude to objects which bear no meaning
The dilemma of decadence
Taught to worship the item and not the idea
Commodity genius prostrate on the altar of commerce
Our world too concerned with worth
Locust civilization, consume until you crumble
Family, community, humanity, exchanged for goods at the corner store
Or worse, for cash
Life and death between the lines of the ledger book
All that you love, already gone


Is this farewell to words
So long my torment, my companion
Eclipsing experience with intent
Ideas before existence
Gone now with the daylight
Imperceptibly beyond my grasp
All is vacant
September dawns and I am mute
Crushed beneath the weight of burdens not my own
Verbiage sacrificed in the name of responsibility
In the mirror stands not myself
This body stranger to it’s occupant
Emptied of treasured imagination
Razed for performance
Smile barely cresting the cheek bones
Eyes, blank
The curse of looking happy in pictures
Of, pulling it together for short bursts of sociability
Told out of necessity to keep from drowning
Tethers to this reality tantamount to hell
Waiting in the fall


Supplication to a doctrine that breaks
As boughs to those who need
When all that blossoms
Manufactured aridity of the soul
In classrooms as in pulpits
Without value
Without context
Without color
Of all meaning
Thoughts that scream
From the top of my ribs
For all that dies


You decadents you’re damned
Resplendent on your pyres
Empires of destruction
Gilded by your forfeit lives
Mortgaged to build them higher
Cavalcade of unknowing dead
Each day closer to anonymous ash
Your dust for all your wealth no different than mine
Your worms will dine no finer
Locust civilization
Consume until you crumble

Eden’s Children

The heartbreak of a shuttered mind
Willful ignorance mortared by fear
Divisive walls you yourself has built
For you
There is no heaven
No hell
No self beside
Cessation at the close of life
Comfort in a lack of permanence
How terrifying to think beyond this lifetime
That, perhaps, there is beyond the end of night
How easy to be an atheist
Devotee at the church of non-believers
So ardently desirous of being nothing
Bearing no weight of responsibility for eternity
Souls suspended
Perpetually seeking enlightenment
Yet tragically incapable of growth
Children of Eden
Ever in search of answers to questions beyond their asking


A face to face the mirror

A hundred faces styled just the same

Live action renders of superficiality

Symmetry everywhere

Character caricatured by trend

Tell me that I’m pretty

That I’m worth wanting

That my intellect, my ambition, my art are validated by your desire to fuck me

Somewhere behind the words there is possibility

One day, I won’t have to be appealing

The definition of perfection wrested from the hands of consumption

Returned, to nature

A world of beings divorced from the notion of sex as trade

Art, the language

Transcendent beyond the triviality of skin

Expression the apotheosis of humanity

Until then

Painting the armor of honesty if not beauty